IPL Photofacial | Removing Freckles, Sun Spots, Age Spots, and Rosacea

IPL Photofacial | Removing Freckles, Sun Spots, Age Spots, and Rosacea

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a one-stop-shop for removing freckles, discoloration from blemishes, eliminating age spots, brown spots and red spots? 

Well, there is, and it’s called IPL or Intense Pulsed Light Photofacial. This treatment involves the use of intense light to remove discoloration on the skin with amazing results.

How Photofacials Work  

A Photofacial treatment is administered via a hand-held laser placed lightly against the surface of the skin. The light is emitted through a brief pulse onto the surface of the skin. Typically, numbing is not required, although you will feel a snapping sensation against your skin, rather like the feel of a rubber band snap. 

Why Photofacials Are Awesome

Photofacials remove discoloration and restore even skin tone.

Stanford Medical University published a 10 year study that proves this groundbreaking treatment not only improves the tone of your skin, but will also promote age-reversing changes within your skin cells at the molecular level. Photofacials actually can reverse the signs of aging! 

As you can see from photo below, this patient’s skin now has a much more even, brighter tone (photos are not edited).

ipl photofacial face before after

How Many Treatments Are Required?

We recommend four to six treatments for optimal results Photofacials eliminate the surface cells with pigment while also drawing cells with pigment below the surface.

After Treatment Care

For optimal results,we recommend keeping the treated areas well hydrated, using aloe vera gel or one of the moisturizers from Skin Script Rx. Another VERY important protective measure to take is to prevent exposure to the sun. After a Photofacial, the skin is more vulnerable to damage, which can result additional spots over time.

Skin Concerns and IPL Photofacials

Photofacials address:

  • Freckles
  • Age, Brown and Sun Spots
  • Red Spots
  • Spider Veins

After Treatment Results

chest before after picture photofacial

After three or four treatments, you’ll find the brown, red and patchy spots have disappeared. Your original skin tone will be restored and your skin will look even, brighter, and more luminous.

IMPORTANT Information

While you may want to start treating a single area, do consider treating your neck, chest, shoulders, arms and hands if they too are covered with spots and sun damage. At Derma Health, we like to refer to it as “Keeping everything with the same decade”. Nothing gives away your age faster than a spotted chest and sun damaged hands!

IPL Photofacial Ideal Candidates

Typically, those with a higher Fitzpatrick rating will not benefit from a Photofacial.

fitzpatrick scale derma health

*In 1975, Thomas Fitzpatrick created a measurement system to gauge the skin’s reaction to sun exposure. The formula takes into consideration the genetic makeup of a person, plus their sensitivity to sun exposure. Skin types range from Type 1, being the lightest skin to Type 6, being the darkest skin tone.

However, even those with a lower Fitzpatrick rating may not be able to receive the treatment. This is because the IPL laser targets pigment and given the right circumstances, can exaggerate uneven pigment tones. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate is by meeting with your licensed practitioner. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please complete the form and we’ll be happy to help.

Further Reading: